Media Republic Rocks!

At the AIR Summer Camp in Belgium i had the honor to meet the Media Republic team from Amsterdam.
We had a great time in the jungle and on the battlefield.

The whole time i was envious about their cool custom made AIR shirts and now they`ve sent one to me in Berlin!
You guys rock big time! Thanks so much


6 responses to “Media Republic Rocks!”

  1. Niels Bruin Avatar

    Love the t-shirt! Where can I buy one? I’m in Amsterdam on wednesday, to a Adobe User Group meeting from the Netherlands. Are they there too?

  2. Shane Avatar

    Awesome! Where can I get one?

  3. laurent Avatar

    Benz, you were the man, all the time. Thanx for wearing our shirt, hope to see you soon! And for all you guys who want the shirt, e-mail benjamin and see how much he thinks it’s worth 😉

  4. jeanphilippe Avatar

    Whooo ! nice shirt !
    I would like the same 🙂

  5. Eric-Paul Avatar

    Looking good Doctor Dobbler! Good chance that a beertender might work for a T-shirt trade, it worked for me too 🙂

  6. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    @Eric: Noooooo Way! 🙂

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