Screenrecording app with AIR 2.0 Beta

Yeah yeah it`s been a while….

But here is something I just have to show. I guess you`ve all played with the awesome AIR 2.0 Beta so you know about the NativeProcess class and all the options we have now.
Basically the only thing you have to do is google for some cool cross platform command line apps and build a nice AIR user interface and you can build beautifull and powerfull desktop apps.
So one of the first things I tried was something that was on my wishlist for the flash platform for a long time – SCREENRECORDING!

This app records the users screen and encodes it to flash friendly mp4 files with h264 video.

Check out this screenrecording of my screenrecording app ๐Ÿ™‚

[flv:/video/ 600 400]

I really plan to write an article about how to do this but i`ll never promise anything again ๐Ÿ™‚


24 responses to “Screenrecording app with AIR 2.0 Beta”

  1. arpit Avatar

    WOW, this is fantastic. I am assuming you are using some of the Mac’s core built in services. Cant wait till your blog post ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. udayms Avatar

    Do you have plans to release the source?

  3. Urs Martini Avatar
    Urs Martini

    Wooohoo, this is awesome!!

  4. Raghul Avatar

    wow its really awesome!!! no lag nothin just amazing!! can u share the app ๐Ÿ˜›

  5. Stefan Richter Avatar

    very cool. I hope you can share some details soon.

  6. Tom Kordys Avatar


    It is a nice example of AIR2 app.

    I did a blogpost on AIR2 as well, have a look.

  7. Bill Sanders Avatar


    That is very nice. I just put up the second part of an ActionScript 3.0 Design Pattern catalog, and I was unable to get it working with AIR 1.0. ( so I’m going to give it a try in AIR 2.0.

    Looking forward to reading your article.

    Kindest regards,

  8. Gilbert Avatar


    Great stuff. Looking forward for your article and additional info you can provide.

  9. Israel Gaytan Avatar

    Nice app….can you share the code??? X DDDD Thanks in advance

  10. Mihai Corlan Avatar

    Hey mate, this is awesome! Good work.

  11. […] Update: My friend Benjamin Dobler created a nice screen recording application with AIR 2 (it captures the sound as well). Although for now the source code is not available, I […]

  12. […] 2.0 Web Server using the New Server Socket API -Screenrecording app with AIR 2.0 Beta -Embedding Tomcat and BlazeDS in an AIR 2.0 Application -Tomcat Launcher: Sample Application using […]

  13. jeanphilippe Avatar

    Are you using Automator and QuickTime Player 10 to do this application ?

  14. Parag Avatar

    Awesome application.. can’t wait for more…please post it asap ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. […] Screenrecording app with AIR 2.0 Beta : Richapps […]

  16. Dan Nietzsche Avatar
    Dan Nietzsche

    Reporting a Bug – RichFLV 4.2 Beta WINDOWS 7, VISTA

    FLV files open ONLY from within program. “Open File”
    FLV files do not open with “OPEN WITH” from context menu /(mouse right click)

  17. Sidney de Koning Avatar

    Hi Benjamin,

    This is really nice! Looking forward to your article!



  18. Jenny | picture scanner Avatar

    Having just started to take an interest in AIR, I can’t help but be kicking in anticipation at any of your upcoming projects. You’re like the guru in AIR programming, Benz.

    Hope you can share this screenrecording app very soon as it would be fantastically useful for both bloggers and developers.

  19. Andy Bueler Avatar
    Andy Bueler

    Nice example!
    I’m playing around with air 2.0 beta and vlc. I was wondering if you are recording to h264 or some other video format first and combine screen-recording and voice later. would be great if you could share the command line you are using ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Alfie Punnoose Avatar

    Hi friend, Its and excellent job. Would you be kind enough to share the basic idea/code behind this project? Thank you.

  21. Daniel Avatar

    This is something I’ve wanted to do for forever! Well done, man, well done. Feel free to write that follow-up post at any time! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Daniel Avatar

    What cross platform command line screen recorder did you use? VLC? ffmpeg?

  23. James M. Avatar

    Is there any chance we could download the finished screenloading app?

  24. Dominic Avatar

    I attempted to try this out on windows, unfortunately vlc doesnt accept the command:

    making it difficult to use vlc to record, i couldnt even use cmdprompt to do it, perhaps it just works differently on windows. some updates on how to get it going on windows will be great ๐Ÿ™‚

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