I was just experimenting with some animation techniques when I tried one of the old school flash 5 stuff in Flex. In general I`m not a fan of the build in effects in Flex and most of the time I just do the animations myself with Tweener . I just think it`s smoother and more flexible. One thing that I find difficult to achieve is animating targets that change often and abrupt. For these types of thing the build in effects and even Tweener does not work very well. I got the idea when I saw Chet Haase example here. It`s a nice app but I don`t like that it only changes the interface when you release the slider. Would be much cooler and intuitive if live dragging was possible. So I did a dirty little example that does not use the fancy effects or Tweener but good old onEnterFrame exponational function (think that`s how Andries Odendaal coined it back then!?) tweening. It`s not a nice approach with some drawback but I think it just gives the sweetest result.
Take a look at the video and if you like download the AIR app (View source enabled)
[flashvideo filename=http://www.richapps.de/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/screenflow.flv /]
So this is maybe not how you would do it in a real world app because the ever running loop is not so nice but the smoothness of the animation is just unbeatable – or? How would you do this in a clean way?
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