Back from the onair tour in Warsaw

I had the honour to join the Adobe on AIR tour in Berlin and Warsaw and it was a blast. I`m really impressed how well all was organized and how much energy Adobe and espacially the evangelists put into these events. The highlight for me was that with Ethan Malasky a real engineer from the AIR tour was on board and we had some really cool discussions about AIR. After seeing how enganged Adobe is and how enthusiastic the people that actually build the platform are I`m even more convinced that the Flash platform will succeed and nobody should miss the train. I may be wrong but I have the feeling that this is one of the biggest advantages of Adobe compared to their rivals.


2 responses to “Back from the onair tour in Warsaw”

  1. Serge Jespers Avatar

    Thanks for the kind words! It was great having you there Ben and I’m glad you enjoyed it!


  2. Andre Charland Avatar

    It was great to meet you Ben. Keep up the great work on Parley’s!! Let me know when you get a screencast up on your blog so I can post it on cheers!

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