I made a quick update to RichFLV. It should now work with Beta 3 of AIR.
Haven`t really had the time to make lot of bugfixes so let me know if you need something fixed.
[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.richapps.de/files/richflv/installbage/badge.swf” height=”180″ width=”217″ fvars=”appname=RichFLV&appurl=http://www.richapps.de/files/richflv/installbadge/richflv.air&airversion=1.0.M6&buttoncolor=FF0000&messagecolor=000000&imageurl=http://www.richapps.de/files/richflv/installbadge/richflv.jpg” /]
You`ll need Flash Player 9 Update 3 for the seanless install to work. If you don`t have it yet you can download the air file manually here.
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