RichFLV for AIR Beta 3 released

I made a quick update to RichFLV. It should now work with Beta 3 of AIR.
Haven`t really had the time to make lot of bugfixes so let me know if you need something fixed.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”180″ width=”217″ fvars=”appname=RichFLV&appurl=” /]

You`ll need Flash Player 9 Update 3 for the seanless install to work. If you don`t have it yet you can download the air file manually here.


9 responses to “RichFLV for AIR Beta 3 released”

  1. Alan Avatar

    My FLV recordings stop at “100% Reading… / 99% analyzed…”

    Is this app supposed to be able to handle FLV files with data keyframes/metadata inserted with the NetStream.send() method?

  2. house clearance london Avatar

    Hi! I have the same problem at the end of finalizing my FLV! Did you managed to fix it?

  3. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    It would really help if you could provide a sample flv that does not get processed correctly. I`ve fixed some of those issues but you never know. Not sure when i find the time to release an update.

  4. abanba Avatar

    thank you !

  5. ohashi Avatar


  6. nakazawa Avatar


  7. Kiyoko Avatar

    Thank you^^

  8. gyu Avatar

    thank you

  9. gyoen Avatar

    thank you !

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