RichWav Sneek Peak

During the nights of MAX Europe i worked a bit on my wav mixer tool (now oficially called RichWav ;-)) and made some nice improvements.
You can now create multiple tracks and have a library of wav files that you just drag to a track. Every track can have multiple samples.
If you press play every track gets converted internally to a wav wich is embedded in an swf and returned to the Loader. This works pretty fast even for a lot of tracks.
The best thing for sure is that you can save the whole thing down to one wav on your harddisk. Just wanted to give an update to what i`m doing in my free time right
now as an excuse for not updating RichFLV to Beta 2.  I did it already but need some tweaking – if one needs a Beta2 update of RichFLV very urgent let me know and i send you what i have so far 🙂


6 responses to “RichWav Sneek Peak”

  1. Dylan Jones Avatar


    That new RichWAV is going to be killer!

    – I wanted to make a comment on here so I could find out your contact information. If you could contact me through my email from this post, that would be great!

    I am interested in learning more about RichFLV, You can delete this post after you send me an email.

    I just can’t find your email address on your blog any where.


  2. ArgV Avatar


    where i can get RichWav-App?


  3. Boaz Maurits Avatar


    I am interested in your RichFLV Beta2 version, it looks very nice and seems to be exactly what I have been looking for quite some time now. Please shoot me an email.


    Boaz Maurits

  4. Mark Altman Avatar

    I am eager to find out more about your RichWav program. Are you releasing the source code?

  5. Walter Meyer Avatar
    Walter Meyer

    I’m sorry about the site issues, that’s never fun.

    I have a client that wants to create a flash based audio editor. I’ve found a couple of examples, including the version from, but they’re a little more complex than they’re looking for. Would you be interested in building a custom editor?

  6. admin Avatar

    Hey sorry for the late reply. It sounds interesting but unfortunately i have now time to do it.

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