Finally here are my slides from my session about “Bits And Bytes With AIR”. You can get the Flex sample project here.
It shows you how to analyze an flv file and extract the sound data as an mp3 file.
The whole presentation itself is done in AIR. It might be a bit difficult to navigate.
You the cursor keys to go back and forward. Sometimes you can trigger animations or different states within one screen. You can do this with the Up and Down keys.
I know it`s not very userfriendly but i thought it would be cool to give a presentation about AIR in AIR 😉
The original reason i did it in AIR was that i was sick of my boring powerpoint presentations. I was really envious about all the people that could use keynote on their Macs.
So i build this little presentation tool with Flex and AIR with some funky transitions done with Papervision 3D. You can change the transition type with these keys:
– R = Replace
– B = Box
– S = Switch
– I = Inside Box
– N = None
Use those keys to change the transition types and then the cursor keys to actually switch the slides.
Below are some screens from the transitions. Is there still anyone thinking Flex is not as expressive as Flash? 😉
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