Because I was a bit late with submitting details about my talk at MAX in Barcelona i`ll do some advertisement here 🙂
I will show some examples (RichFLV, RichMP3, WaveMixer), some theoretical background (bitwise operators…), talk about IDataInput/IDataOutput classes and walk through a full example of how to analyze an flv and extract the sound data out of it as an mp3.
The main motivation to give this presentation is that I`m still fascinated how powerfull this stuff is. I`ve always been a Flash/Flex developer and therefore have never worked with really low-level stuff.
When i realized how much power you gain if you learn a bit of this dry stuff I knew it is worth the effort. So if you`re like me – an actionscript developer that until now never really had the need to learn the basics about bits and bytes come and join my talk on monday 10am-11am. Also I`m really nervous about speaking at MAX I put a lot of effort into this talk and want to have a full house 😉
I think MAX will really rock and i`m looking forward meeting all my heroes, especially Ty Lettau who in my opinion is the first real RIA designer out there. Be sure to catch his talks!
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