Some details about my MAX session

Because I was a bit late with submitting details about my talk at MAX in Barcelona i`ll do some advertisement here 🙂
I will show some examples (RichFLV, RichMP3, WaveMixer), some theoretical background (bitwise operators…), talk about IDataInput/IDataOutput classes and walk through a full example of how to analyze an flv and extract the sound data out of it as an mp3.
The main motivation to give this presentation is that I`m still fascinated how powerfull this stuff is. I`ve always been a Flash/Flex developer and therefore have never worked with really low-level stuff.
When i realized how much power you gain if you learn a bit of this dry stuff I knew it is worth the effort. So if you`re like me – an actionscript developer that until now never really had the need to learn the basics about bits and bytes come and join my talk on monday 10am-11am. Also I`m really nervous about speaking at MAX I put a lot of effort into this talk and want to have a full house 😉

I think MAX will really rock and i`m looking forward meeting all my heroes, especially Ty Lettau who in my opinion is the first real RIA designer out there. Be sure to catch his talks!


One response to “Some details about my MAX session”

  1. mattjpoole Avatar

    I wasnt able to get to MAX, are you going to post any of the transcripts of you talk here. I’m really keen to carry on from where you left off with ‘bits and bytes in AIR’. I found it really enlightening

    keep up the good work!

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