Stitch Flv files with RichFLV

In my last post about the RichFLV AIR 1.0 update I forgot to mention the biggest new feature 🙂
You can now stitch together flv files! It`s not really implemented in the most comfortable way and the feature is not really tested but for most cases it should work.
In the file menu you`ll have a new option Import > FLV (stitch). This will import a new flv to the flv currently in RichFLV and stitch them together.
Check out this screencast to see how it works.

Again this is not deeply tested so be carefull and let me know if you run into problems. Some of my observations are:

– different fps might give audio sync problems

– different resolutions work!

– different codecs work

Let me know what results you get. This is a feature i will implement in RichFLV NextGen in a much better way so your feedback here will really help me make this cool.



Get RichFLV for AIR 1.0  + See the new feature in action

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”180″ width=”217″ fvars=”appname=RichFLV&appurl=” /]


19 responses to “Stitch Flv files with RichFLV”

  1. caty navulart Avatar
    caty navulart

    It’ll be used for edit, thank you very much.

  2. akihiro Avatar

    I want to DL [rich FLV]

  3. Raik Avatar

    funktioniert ja schon fast perfekt, das stitchen. nur die audiospur klingt danach etwas abgehackt. wenn du das noch fixen könntest, wäre das das tool schlechthin für flashfilme 🙂

  4. Raik Avatar

    btw. der installer hat was von misconfigured erzählt. hab dann erst parleys installiert und danach die installation von RichFLV lokal von platte gestartet.

  5. FSB Avatar

    Have problem too:
    This application cannot be installed because this installer has been mis-configured. Please contact the application author for assistance.

  6. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    To those who have problems installing the app. Do you have an old version of RichFLV or an old version of AIR (Beta3) installed?

  7. Raik Avatar

    no, my first atempt was to install richflv via the red banner on this page. after it fails, i tried parleys ant that works.

  8. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    So you are still not able to install RichFLV but Parleys worked? Or were you able to install RichFLV after you installed Parleys? – confused 🙂

  9. Raik Avatar

    yes, after parleys setupt finish, i will be able to install richflv from local hd (download).

  10. Tiago Avatar

    Hey Benz

    There seems to be an issue with RichFLV when trying to edit files created with FME, maybe you want to have a look into it?

  11. Jamal Qutub Avatar

    Joining two FLVs with RichFLV Beta seems to work great. However, the audio gets all screwed up. An update to this would be awesome and very useful for when I need to mix FLVs or just need to add some space in the front of an FLV. Thanks for the tool!

  12. fritsdman Avatar

    I have the same trouble that Jamal Qutub describes. Every time I stitch flv clips, the time signature is incorrect. Specifically, the the time counter runs too fast and inflates the . I stitched a 5:31 clip to a 7:36 clip and ended up with a 15:45 clip. While it is actually only 13:07 long, the timer is actually running too fast and displays the inflated number.

    It does not seem to be a case of different frame rate, because I tried stitching the same clip to itself. The 5:31 clip stitched to itself did not produce a single 11:02 clip, but rather 13:15.

    Strangely, RealPlayer 11 seems to accommodate the accelerated speed of the counter, but in all other players such as Quicktime or VLC the audio plays faster than the picture, so it is broken up as it waits for the picture to catch up. If I convert the file to mp4, the sound is no longer broken, but still ahead of the picture.

  13. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    @fritsdman: Could you provide one of the files you`re having problems with? Would be great for testing.

  14. richflv tester Avatar
    richflv tester

    Hi, i just started using this program to merge FLV files…However, some parts after being stitched goes black with some weird color effect on the top…No clue whats causing it…Any suggestions? I’m just tryin to stitch back together parts of a video thats the same res, same codec, same everything…

  15. sanjay Avatar

    I tried flv stitch. While trying to import flv file it gets stuck at 100% reading and 99% analyzing. It simply freezes and does not move further.
    Lot of testing it seems is needed to get it in order.
    Still beta stage I belive.


  16. ken Avatar

    same problem here, gets stuck at 100%/99% like sanjay said — this doesn’t work – please fix

  17. Roger Avatar

    Like the fact that you can stitch FLV files. I am having one problem. The files saved run fine with your software but if I use another FLV player, your stitched files run fast. Is there a way to correct this problem? Thanks for your software!

  18. siddharth Avatar

    same problem: I tried flv stitch. While trying to import flv file it gets stuck at 100% reading and 99% analyzing. It simply freezes and does not move further.
    Lot of testing it seems is needed to get it in order.
    Still beta stage I belive.

  19. siddharth Avatar

    I tried flv stitch. While trying to import flv file it gets stuck at 100% reading and 99% analyzing. It simply freezes and does not move further.
    Lot of testing it seems is needed to get it in order.
    Still beta stage I belive.

    tried almost 10 times before trying to research on this , can any one help…….thanks

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