Visual search with AIR and Papervision

I just did a little experiment with AIR and Papervision. This app grabs all the overview thumbs from, saves them together with the corresponding tags in a local database and lets you search through them. It also generates checkboxes for each tag so you can filter them. The search result is visualized with papervision. It´s really fun to type and see all the items fly around and rearrange.
I only have a screencast here for now but I plan to release a simpler version with source soon. I used Ying to record this screencast so the fps is a bit low but believe me it`s super smooth in reality.

Check out the screencast

What I learned from this experiment?
– AIR rocks!
– AIR Sqlite support roocks!
– Papervision rooocks!
– Flash Player performance roooocks!



10 responses to “Visual search with AIR and Papervision”

  1. phpnuke Avatar

    I cannot remember where i exactly saw visual search before but this is obviously a great invention.

  2. luchyx Avatar

    It’s like the PicLens plug-in for Firefox.
    But this As3 version is pretty cool!!.

  3. empity Avatar

    Great job. i like it so much. but i can’t see the air installation file. where is it. where i can download it. please give the url.

  4. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    source is not available at this point. It`s just a little tease but as I said in the post I plan to prepare a version with source soon.

  5. Guillermo Avatar

    Hallo Bejnamin,

    Very cool, I look forward for the source code.

    Keep a head,

    We will see in Berlin in the Air Tour 2008,



  6. James Avatar

    Cool demo – how complex is that repositioning /animation stuff in Papervision?

    Looks great – can’t wait to see the source!

  7. Adam Ray Avatar


    Please please please can we see the source – you have been teasing us since Feb


  8. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    Hey Adam,

    Yeah i totally forgot about this one 🙂
    The problem is that the example depends on some client backend and at the moment i`ve absolutely no time to create a clean example to share. What are you espacially interested in? It`s pretty basic papervision stuff. If you need a tip how to do it yourself let me know.
    (I really try to put something up – but no promise – I feel bad :-()

  9. James Avatar

    Did you ever post the code for this? Also the demo has disappeared – where is it now?



  10. Ryan Avatar

    This link does not work anymore… :?..could you please put it back up again?

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