I got a nice surprise in my email and i`m really honored to be a Adobe community expert now!
While i`m not yet sure what this really means i`m know it means i should kick my ass and get this blog running again.
I was really lazy with posting here the last months because of a lack of time and the frustration of this blog being hacked.
However i`ll do my best to post a bit more in the coming months.
Congrats Ben!
Since I use the RichFLV application frequently, I can say this is well deserved!
Do you know when you’ll be able to publish the latest version?
Congratulations on becoming a fellow Community Expert!
Congratulations Ben. Well deserved.
Congrats Ben! Nice to see that you’re back bloggin!
Congrats man!
Since now you’re an expert maybe you can tell us how to solve the problem of global warming then? 😉
I hope to see you soon some time in the future dude!
Thumbs UP!
Support for Linux with Your Apps is Great! If only Adobe also did the same with the AC Add-Inn.