Vote for Video!

As a follow-up to a previous post i`ve posted a feature request for screensharing in the Flash Player/AIR bugbase.
If you like it please make sure to vote:

And if you have not done already please also consider voting for this one: (byte access for NetStream/Video)

I`m not sure if all this stuff is worth anything because I just checked the votes for FP-5 and it seems to be in the top 10 but still priority is zero and it`s not even under investigation 🙁
Anyway keep voting – Change is coming! Yes We Can! If we make enough noise we`ll get it 😉


One response to “Vote for Video!”

  1. Chris Mckay Avatar

    Are there limits in size the video files, I’ve been hear looking at 99% analysed for a long time, just wondering if it’s still loading in the background or if I should kill the process?

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