Critical Update for RichFLV

I finally found some minutes to do a critical update for RichFLV. The files produced with previous
RichFLV versions contained a small error wich prevented playback when streamed over RTMPT with FMS.
With the help of the Adobe FLV Check Tool I was able to finally fix that.
It should also handle flv files with variable framerates better now.

!!! Important notice: Because I`ve changed the certificate you`ll need to uninstall your previous RichFLV
installs manually before you can update !!!

Get the new version here:


Let me know if you have any problems.


14 responses to “Critical Update for RichFLV”

  1. SJH Avatar

    Thank you!

  2. Arkanthell Avatar

    nice…this new beta works good.. tks 4 share this new update and tks 4 share it

  3. ES Avatar

    Dear Benjamin,
    After importing a 3-minutes 40-seconds long mp3 file into a 3-minutes 37-seconds FLV file(i.e., intended to replace the background audio) using RichFLV 4.0 or 4.1, the playing-time length shows up as 10 seconds on RealPlayer, thus no long able to play back more than 10 seconds. RichFLV shows the 3-minute 37-seconds time length and is able to correctly play back the whole FLV file with the imported mp3. I have not yet tried to shorten the mp3 file to less than 3 minutes and 37 secons. I need to use RealPlayer to burn a new DVD disk. Please help. ES.

  4. Enrique Avatar

    great app… however, I’m “cutting” some FLVs and when playing through another player the cutted files “keep” the original duration (on their metadata?) showing my scroll bars longer than the new corrected ….

    any help ???

  5. Otto Hinckelmann Avatar

    17.08.08 Could not download RICHflv.

  6. akmeful Avatar

    Hi, RichFLV cannot open or import not fully downloaded or wrong-cutted flv files. It would be great if you add feature to fix cutted flv automatically on import or opening such file. Thx. Great app.

  7. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    Hey akmeful could you provide such a file for testing. I`m sure i could help then…

  8. wahehe Avatar

    Thank you!

  9. lys729 Avatar


  10. dmekinda Avatar

    could you build also command interface to it?

    It would than be possible to call it from a script!!

  11. Sam Avatar

    Can anyone please help? Cant cut the clips outta the flv!

  12. nigel Avatar

    Can’t download the application. I’ve installed AIR as I didn’t have it but when I try to run RickFLV I receive a message telling me my AIR file is corrupt. If I save RichFLV the file has 0 bytes. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled AIR several times from the Adobe website and each time I am told ‘download successful’. What am I doing wrong? I have windows XP

  13. admin Avatar

    Hey Nigel,

    after the hack attack all links are dead now and it will take some time for me to fix them. This one should work now.

  14. Tommi Avatar

    Hi Benjamin ! I had tried the old RichFlv , but hadn’t been able to get it work . I tried your new one and it goes fine (Win7-64x) . I need it to be more frame specific though . I haven’t tried the crop yet , as I would probably need to crop then enlarge it a little more . A basic fade in and out would be good . Thanks for the great effort !

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