One more update to RichFLV

Just another bugfix for RichFLV which fixes a problem where the cue point data was not added to the onMetadata object.
This is the last update for today promised 😉


17 responses to “One more update to RichFLV”

  1. steve Avatar

    This program was working and I used it to split 2 hour long flv files so I could fit them on DVD. It worked fine for the first two exports….

    Now every time I go to import a file, it reads to about 80% then the application randomly closes. It happens every single time now.

    Any ideas why?

  2. x Avatar

    How does one extract a portion of a FLV video?

    I see how to set the two cue points (enable the Options > “Create New Cuepoint At Playhead Position” option, then click the “+” button for each cue point).

    But then how do I save the portion of the video between the two cue points? When I do Export > FLV, it exports the entire video, not just the area between the two cue points.

  3. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    @x: the cuePoints are not ther to cut the flv. They can contain metadata that`s injected into the video. To cut the flv you can use the red marks at the bottom of the timeline.

  4. Tiago Avatar

    Hey Benj, great progress you made there lately, thanks for another great update 🙂

  5. Sidney de Koning Avatar

    Hi Benjamin,

    First off thanks for the update!
    I did found a bug on Mac (10.5) then you click the preview video, the video x0 and y0 position is attached to the mouse where you click. Is there a place where i can submit this bug? Or send you a screenshot of this bug?

    And i’ve also been folloing the discussion on zero point nine, the FLV Writer Class. I have noticed when you write an FLV, you files are realy small. Some questions about this:
    – What kind of compression do you use?
    – How do you use the compression? Do you compress the Bitmap data with ZLIB? Please assist.

    I dont need code, but can you direct me some resources on how to do the compression when writing FLV files to disk. Help would be highly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance and keep up the cool projects!

    Sidney de Koning, The Netherlands

  6. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    @Sidney: Don`t really know what you mean with compression? RichFLV does no reencoding. The FLV writer clas was developed by lee felarca. He uses the Screen Recording codec which saves uncompressed images. The way these images are stored is described pretty well in the FLV spec.

  7. dmekinda Avatar

    I have a feature idea!

    It vould be nicice to be able to copy all cue points to metadata! This helps when streaming video is used! I can do it manualy but an option to copy cue points to metadata would be nice

  8. Benjamin (Admin) Avatar
    Benjamin (Admin)

    @dmekinda: What do your mean by “copy all the cue points to metadata” ? Do you mean list them in the onMetaData object? They should be there already – if not it`s a bug 🙁
    Or do you mean something else?

  9. dmekinda Avatar

    sorry it looks I did not explain

    On my wowza server onMetadata of corse reads them.
    But in streaming environment you can not read cue points in advance and jump to one if you only know name (not the time) of the cue point. So the only way is to declare all cue points in metadata!

  10. pendragon Avatar

    After setting in/out points, audio is garbled on flv export. MP3 export sounds fine.

  11. kavoura Avatar

    is there a way to download the .air file without having to click on the install button that demands I download and install Adobe Air? I already have Adobe Air installed and working perfectly. Some sites have the .air files available to download without going through an unnecessary hoop first. Maybe it is just because I am on Linux and the install button does not recognise the Adobe Air installation? Please make the .air file available directly for download.

  12. Pravin Dahal Avatar


    View source and search for .air and you should find the direct link.

  13. Pravin Dahal Avatar

    I mean search for “.air” without the quotes if you did not get it.

  14. Dan Avatar

    ….Richapps was hacked by some turkish political group.
    When trying to install RichFLV.air I get an Adobe Air warning about
    Publisher UNKNOWN
    System Access UNRESTRICTED

    Seems very high risk to install RichFLV.air — any comments

  15. myname Avatar

    The application could not be installed because the AIR file is damaged. Try obtaining a new AIR file from the application author.

  16. John Anderson Avatar
    John Anderson

    Benjamin, THANK YOU for the bug fixes about the cuepoints! I’m the guy who wrote you a few months back – cheers!

    John A

  17. Insomniak Avatar

    Is this thing on? App won’t install….

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