Finaly i found the time to do some enhancements to my Youtube desktop tool Richtube. Still i`m not able to release this tool because of some possible legal issues which have to be sorted out – but i`m working on it.
I made a new screencast which you can check out here.
Richtube – Offline Youtube update
10 responses to “Richtube – Offline Youtube update”
hey benz,
sieht ziemlich fett aus 😉 auf jeden fall besser als die alte version. ich frag mich nur… die einzige frage die sich mir beim anschauen stellte war: kann ich kategorien auch löschen? 😉
vg aus flensburg
RichtTube looks, well… RICH! I hope you’ll be allowed to let this one fly legally.
I have an indirectly related question. Using YouTube’s own player, how can I make an embedded YouTube video play without its interface below it… and without the YouTube logo bug. Just the video & nothing else.
I already know how to let it &autoplay=1 and &loop=1.
~ Philippe ~
I don`t think that there is a parameter to hide the controls. You will have to get the actual path to the flv.
Benjamin -
Genau! Das ist sehr gute! Wenn Sie die Software teilen können, informieren Sie mich bitte.
Auch – danke fur das Teilen Ihres Wissens auf der Apollo Liste mit die Anderen.
Duane (aus Kanada)
Democracy Player allows you play and save YouTube videos.
You can read their terms and conditions and how they got out of legal thingy? May be they are generic media aggregator?
Do you have any more details on how richtube works. Feature set
I’ve built my version of this without the download capability so hopefully it won’t have any legal issues! was wondering how you did the transition from normal to full screen? It seems really smooth…
I have an indirectly related question. Using YouTube’s own player, how can I make an embedded YouTube video play without its interface below it… and without the YouTube logo bug. Just the video & nothing else.
Do you have any more details on how richtube works. Feature set
Do have any idea about Apollo AIR Socket Connection when uploading.
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