Swap Sound Tags in FLV files

I`m so excited that i have to tell this although i can not show the actual implementation yet.
Today i completed my mp3 library so that it`s now able to load an mp3, analyse the headers and frames and than convert them to FLV Sound Tags.
In the RichFLV Import tab there is now a new menu item that allows to import an mp3. In this way you can than recompose the flv with an mp3 of your choice.
So for the next update you can expect this features:

– recompose flvs with mp3
– export silent flvs (sound extracted)
– export flvs with sound only (don`t know if it`s useful but it works ;-))

I will also fix some bugs related to framerate issues (currently it always assumes the files are 25/s). And the swf export will work with sound.

While working on the mp3 stuff i found one interesting thing. If the Video tags have time stamps that would suggest a frame rate of 25 but the sound tags are placed in a slower pace the flv will always align with the sound tags. So no matter what the framerate is the sound makes the beat.

The update may take some time as i have the flu right now and can only concentrate for max 1 hour a day.


4 responses to “Swap Sound Tags in FLV files”

  1. Miguel Avatar


    RichFLV is great. I was playing with loading and analyzing FLVs with Flex last year. I got as far as reading getting the cue point and metadata from the ByteArray, but I was not able to figure out how to pass my ByteArray to the Video Class for playback… so I abandoned my experiement. It’s great to see that it is doable and RichFLV is looking good man. Do you mind me asking, How did you achieve passing the ByteArray to the Video Class for playback?

    Keep up the great work.

  2. imonk Avatar

    Oh, the feature “export flvs with sound only” is very useful. i use this feature in current projects.

  3. Scott Avatar

    Great work! I must say it is quite a pleasure as a developer to watch your progress on this application.

    Keep at it!

  4. Chris Charlton Avatar

    I’m glad to read your great progress.

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