Artemis Alpha released

This is what i`ve been waiting for:
If now only adobe would implement a smooth way too bootstrap the server. I really think adobe should implement some way of communication with external apps. I`m sure they won`t support extensions via Dll`s or something but a simple command line interface would open up endless possibilities. I know they want to keep things cross-os but i think it`s worse if we end up with different hacks that disturb the user experience like lauching two apps (server+apollo app) . There must be a smooth way to bootstrap those apps. But so far cudos to effectiveui for their efforts.

RichFLV minor update

A comment from James pointed me to a small bug that made it impossible to parse flvs from youtube.
Youtube has flvs that miss the first onMetadata Tag. I think they use ffmpeg at their backend to convert to flv.
I made a quick fix and now RichFLV will just ignore the onMetadata if it`s missing. In the next version RichFLV will generate the missing onMetadataTag.

!!! New Version Available See This Post !!!