Month: January 2008

  • goes Flex and AIR

    Today we`ve launched the public beta of parleys. Not only has the homepage completely been redone using flex you now also have an AIR client to download talks.
    Go here to register for the beta and let me know what you think.

  • Adobe Premiere in AIR…

    … not really 😉 but it`s impressive how far one can get in a few hours.
    In this new version it`s now possible to edit multiple flv files and multiple mp3 files and combine them to one flv.
    The binary stuff works pretty well but my main problem is the internal preview. It`s really difficult (impossible???) to play flvs and audio files and synchronize them.
    Any suggestions?
    So the solution for now is that everytime one clip is cut or the audio changes i create a new flv file in memory with all the changes applied and load that back into the preview.
    Sure this takes some seconds and gets harder the bigger the files are but still it`s not that bad and you`ll get 100% accuracy.

    Check out my screencast of the current progress here
